Why I Take Anxiety Meds: 10 Women Speak Out
From Katherine: I tried medication, reluctantly, when I was much younger but it made my heart start racing and I wanted to crawl out of my skin. After that, I was never going to go on meds again. I would just deal
Family Gatherings & Anxiety
Turkeys are not the only ones who get freaked out in November. Holiday gatherings stir up my anxiety something fierce. It starts around now in anticipation of Thanksgiving dinner at my brother’s home. When I think about that event, my
My Depression
My depression is back. As always, it crept up on me in the night, and I awoke to darkness, even with the Florida sunlight piercing the windows of my bedroom. Everything aches—my legs and lower back especially—like I’ve been crouching
Thoughts on Brain Illness
Last week my friend and neighbor, John, died by suicide. As a native of England, he served time in an elite military unit. That experience led him to champion conflict resolution and work in some of the most troubled places