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The Sister Scoop

Anxiety often shows itself in unexpected ways. Contrary to popular belief, most Anxiety Sisters don’t feel “anxious;” instead, we have stomach distress or we feel our hearts beating fast or we may even feel like we are not fully in our

As most Anxiety Sisters know, anxiety is contagious. This is quite evident when anxious parents receive unhappy calls from anxious kids spending time away from home over the summer. If you are anything like us, you want to reach into

My thyroid has been causing me grief since I was a child, when my neck first starting looking puffy—like I had been stung by bees on both sides. My swollen glands protruded so much that doctors used to stop my

Many of you have written to us at Ask the Anxiety Sisters, and we have loved hearing from you, but we’ve been having an issue: unless you put your email address in the body of your message, we cannot see

I came late to the vitamin party; I never took a multi, and I couldn’t hold down my prenatals. I guess I didn’t really believe supplements made that much of a difference. So imagine my surprise when, several years ago,

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