Anxiety Management Technique: Use Your Superpowers
You know that game—which superpower would you choose? Some pick flying (probably not panic sisters), some pick invisibility (social anxiety sisters?), some pick x-ray vision (not me—I would freak out if I could see every germ! Yes, I am an
Practicing Self-Compassion
Earlier, I was telling Abs that I have been feeling down for the last few days and I can't get anything done, which is making me feel both useless and frustrated. "Yes, that is the vicious cycle of depression," Abs reminded
Anxiety Management Technique: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Perhaps one of the most common symptoms of anxiety is muscle tension. In fact, more than 90% of the Anxiety Sisters we’ve interviewed over the last seven years reported aches and pains in their backs, necks, shoulders and other large
The Stigma of Mental Illness: Voices from the Sisterhood
From Katherine: I tried medication, reluctantly, when I was much younger but it made my heart start racing and I wanted to crawl out of my skin. After that, I was never going to go on meds again. I would just deal
Strange Symptoms: Can This Really Be Anxiety?
I have gas. Clouds of it. Mostly burping. But occasional flatulence. And I itch. A lot. In places I often cannot reach without the aid of a long, sharp object. I know what you’re thinking: her husband is a lucky
What is IAD?
One of the most common questions we get in our inbox goes something like this: “Sometimes I get overwhelmed with anxiety because I truly believe that I have some form of cancer or another illness. I google my symptoms and
Birthday Anxiety
Last week I had a birthday. It was a big one. One that gets half an aisle at Party City. Notice I didn’t say, “Last week I celebrated my birthday.” That is because I don’t feel very celebratory on my
Body Size & Anxiety
This morning, a woman (whom I had only just met) told me that the only reason most people don't eat healthy is because they are "lazy." My Social Worker alarm ringing, I immediately contradicted her by speaking of the challenges that
Anxiety Management Technique: Diaphragmatic Breathing
One of the most powerful tools in the Anxiety Sister’s arsenal is breathing. The thing is, the type of breathing that helps anxiety is not necessarily intuitive and may require practice (remember Lamaze class?). So, it’s a good idea to
Anxiety Management Technique: Acceptance
This week, a few members of our community really struggled with believing their anxiety diagnoses. Mags and I understood exactly how they were feeling—we've both been there, done that, and literally wrote the book on it. In fact, most of