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The Anxiety Sisters


The Spin Cycle–Episode 011

On this episode, Abs and Mags discuss the causes and treatments of phobias, including their own experiences with irrational fears and how they overcame them.


  • Connie
    March 26, 2018

    I am listening to your pod cast about phobias. One on mine is going to grocery store. I am no sure why this phobia. Sometimes I can get past the panic and have to leave. Sometimes I able to fight it. There is anxiety every time I go. I love to shop I do not have this problem with other stores. Any suggestions ???

    • Abs
      March 28, 2018

      Hi Connie–

      Check out our facebook page; we decided to ask the sisterhood for feedback on this issue (without mentioning your name), and we got tons of great responses. You are clearly not alone with this phobia!


      Abs & Mags

  • Dannette
    April 3, 2018

    This is the first of your podcasts that I have listened to… but it’s me! This is exactly what I needed to hear! I have a terrible phobia of vomiting, to the point where I will avoid people who have been sick for weeks, I wash my hands and clean my house excessively, I avoid certain foods, and just the slightest upset in my stomach will send me into a panic attack. I have also considered never having children because I don’t think I could handle it. I have never met anyone or heard anyone’s story who has come through emetephobia successfully so that was very inspiring. I don’t have any close friends who have anxiety like I do, or even understand it, so this was very cool to hear. Thank you guys for conquering it and sharing that with us!


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