Strange Symptoms: Can This Really Be Anxiety?
I have gas. Clouds of it. Mostly burping. But occasional flatulence. And I itch. A lot. In places I often cannot reach without the aid of a long, sharp object. I know what you’re thinking: her husband is a lucky guy!
What did I do to deserve such a pleasant constellation of inconveniences? Turns out (and it took me years to believe this) that good ole Anxiety is the culprit. It doesn’t help that I have IAD (Illness Anxiety Disorder), which makes me hyper-aware of every bodily sensation all day long. But there are real scientific reasons for these (and all) anxiety symptoms.
Let’s start with the gas. The “fight or flight” anxiety response we are always talking about causes your respiration to become shallow—this is what makes some sisters feel like they aren’t getting enough air when they panic. The body’s response to this shortness of breath is, of course, to gulp air or hyperventilate. And, since everything that enters the body must, at some point, exit—well, there you have it. Loud and frequent belching. In my case, imagine a drunk pirate with the hiccups and you have a pretty solid picture of my anxiety-induced burping. The good news is that, once you stop swallowing so much air, there is less of a need to burp it out. So it does go away. I’ve learned to roll with it while apologizing profusely to my unfortunate audience (which once included a room full of mourners—what can I say? Funerals make me anxious).
For those of you who have listened to our podcasts, you may remember our discussion on the connection between the gut and the brain through the vagus nerve. In fact, the stomach is known as the “Second Brain” in the world of neuroscience. When we are anxious, digestion is profoundly affected, which is where the back-door gas comes from (right, Mags?).
One more thing to know about gas and anxiety: they can form their own loop. In other words, you are anxious so you start gulping air and experiencing digestive issues. Your body tries to alleviate the bloating and discomfort caused by the infusion of air by releasing gas, both orally and through the poop chute. But it cannot release it all at once so the trapped air will cause discomfort—not only in the belly. Gas travels throughout the body and gas pains can be felt everywhere. Getting gas pains in your chest cavity is very common. However, people don’t associate chest pains with gas so they get anxious and start gulping more air. You see where this is going.
Let’s move on to itching. I’m not talking about hives or rashes here. I am referring to invisible itching like I am being ravaged by imaginary fleas. What I’m really being ravaged by, however, are stress hormones (which, in my mind, look just like fleas). These stress fleas course through your body “waking up” your circulatory system in preparation for a rapid exit (fight or flight). And that’s where the itching or tingling comes from. For some reason no doctor or astrologist has been able to identify, my itching always happens just under my left shoulder blade. Which causes me to rub against whatever I can find to scratch it. Again, I spend quite a bit of time apologizing to witnesses (such as a potential employer who totally thought I was a wack-a-doo and did not hire me—what can I say? Interviews make me anxious).
There are, of course, remedies for all of these symptoms. Gas-X, Tums and peppermint tea can be great additions to any spin kit. And I carry one of those massage claws so I can scratch less conspicuously. None of these particular symptoms are disruptive in my life—they are more of a nuisance than anything else. And my ability to burp the theme to Star Wars is a big hit with my nephews.
What these weird symptoms do, however, is illuminate how comprehensive the experience of anxiety is. When our fight or flight response is aroused, the reaction is systemic. The whole body is involved. And this is extremely important for both Anxiety Sisters and those who treat them to understand. Anxiety is experienced holistically, which is why it is so hard to pinpoint and why so much has to be ruled out before it is diagnosed. And this is also why anything that can occur in the body can be a symptom of anxiety. Even yawning!
Did I mention my cold feet?
I’m collecting strange symptoms for my research…anybody willing to share?
Hailey Burge
Definitely yawning. Lots of yawning. Sometimes tingling of hands and feet. A lot of times, i will also Experience hot flashes.
S. Ottemann
Most interesting. This condition runs in my family.
Nervousness and anxiety cause me to bite the skin around my fingers! I do it while watching tv, while my hubby’s talking, and i try to Remember NOT to do it in church or in a meeting!😳
Oh my! Me too!!!
Suzanne Bice
Me too. And biting the skin just inside my mouth with my incisors.
Cecile Wall
Me too. Bite skin or pick at it
Most of my anxiety manifests in physical ailments
anon anon
when i’m extremely anxious it will actually feel like i’ve pissed myself when i in fact, haven’t. i will make frequent checks to the bathroom in order to check if i have or not, and every time i check, i will find out that i have indeed not pissed myself. but the anxiety is so bad that i have the sensation that it is happening. it is maddening.
Kimberley Smith
My nose and lips get numb and cold.
Monica Hammons
My lips sometimes do
Kimberley Smith
My nose and lips go numb.
Have had a continous yeast infection. Dr after dr. Under so much stress. Could stress also cause yhid
Suzanne Bice
This may have been mentioned (not sure why every word is capitalized here-my caps lock isn’t on. Sorry)
Anyway, I can always tell that the anxiety is starting and will be surging because I get what seems to be a physical “surge”, a feeling of warmth all over my torso and then into my arms and legs. I used to think that if that feeling reached my head I would die. Very scary. I’ve just started Zoloft-3 days ago and I know it’s too early to expect any big help but I’m confident, hopeful that in a couple of weeks I will be in better control of my anxiety.
Don’t know if this is strange, but when this surge starts and does in fact reach my head, my head feels “cloudy”, “mushy” all day or until the anxiety subsides some. Thank you for listening.
My feet burn & itch
Patti Henry
My face and scalp itch like crazy but no Dermatologist can offer anything that helps. My hair is thinning on top from scratching and my face resembles a meth user. Mask mandates are good for hiding the damage.
Brenda Post
Gas – and more gas. Extremely Embarrassing. I pretend it did not happen. Had it for years and never Suspected anxiety but it makes perfect sense as i think about it.
I have an all over feeling of shame and for no reason. It just goes all over me and then it is gone.
I feel the same way. I was given Buspar 1 week ago. Staying hopeful.
Ellen steinmetz
Like Nell in the previous comments, when i get anxious i feel like i have a yeast infection. I remember this starting when I was in my teens.
Vivian Rinaldo
I get hot. I mean, strip-down-to-your-underwear hot. It’s bizarre.
One of my anxiety manifestations (as I call them) that always makes people look at me sideways when I try to explain it is a pressure feeling in my ears. I feel a cartoon character When they get angry and steam comes out of their Ears!
Beverly Howard
What kind of meds can I take for anxiety ? Not interested in prescription drugs Dr prescribes?
Melanie Christensen
Oh my goodness!!!
I did not know about the burping and Gas. And the itching. I thought the itching was imaginery after a while.
Melanie Christensen
Yes! me too, i am thinking it is one of my menopause symptoms.
Dusty Knaebe
IBS-D. It’s nerves, not diet!
Chest tightness, pain, shortness of breath ugh I hate it