We want to hear from you!
Dear Anxiety Sisters,
Tuesday is usually the day we post a new blog, but, this week, life (read: anxiety) got in the way of writing for both of us. If you read Abs’ recent blog, you know that she was hit pretty hard with depression about a month ago. She decided to take a couple of weeks “off” to get right with herself again, and she is feeling much better. (She’ll tell you all about it in next week’s blog). I have had terrible hand pain (not quite carpal tunnel, but similar) from too much computer time as well as the usual stuff that my anxiety disorder drops on me on a daily basis. So, we went to our blog bank and discovered we were overdrawn!
As such, we decided to do something a bit different this week. We are getting ready to do our last podcast of the year, which is called “Ask Us Anything.” If you would like to participate, please send us specific questions about mental health issues, relationship challenges, or just about anything else that is sort of relevant to our subject. We will choose several to answer on our podcast, and the rest will be answered on our website or in future blogs.
How do you send us your question?
(1) Go to the Contact Us page on our website
(2) Respond to this post on Facebook
(3) Shoot us an email at absandmags@anxietysisterd.wpengine.com
If you would like to be anonymous, please let us know or simply use a fake name. It would be great if you would let us know where you are from for our research purposes.
Thank you for understanding our “anxiety holiday” from blogging and, please,
Much love,
Mags & Abs