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Ask the Anxiety Sisters

I have been thinking about trying medication but it gets such a bad rap that I am hesitant. What are your thoughts? First, we want everyone to remember that WE ARE NOT DOCTORS.  Anything we say about medication is based on experiences

I have panic attacks and I tend to worry about everything to an extreme amount.  A year ago, I started medication which has helped so much.  Recently I started to go to therapy and I was also diagnosed with PTSD

We’re so glad you found us! And we’re also glad you asked about kids with anxiety because it’s a really really important subject. And with 5 anxious kids between us, we have firsthand experience with childhood anxiety in many different

Since the election in November, I have been feeling very anxious and have had trouble sleeping through the night. During the day my heart pounds for no apparent reason. And I wake up at 2 or 3 every morning and